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'The Applicant' means the individual who signs this contract and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions and includes a Parent or Guardian of that individual is under 18 years of age


Waiver and Indemnity

The Applicant for him/herself, his/her executors, administrators, dependants and other personal representatives, hereby absolves and indemnified the Providers control (the 'indemnified') from all liability whatsoever arising for injury and damage (including but not limited to the Applicants person, whether fatal or otherwise, property or personal belongings) however caused including the negligence of the Indemnified, arising out of participating in martial arts / self-defence or in connection with martial arts / self defence or in anyway caused by, or arising out of, any activity carried out by the Indemnified. 

Martial Arts / Self Defence done at Applicants own risk.

Any person training in martial arts / self defence or in activities connected with martial arts / self defence or participating in any activity carried on by Melbourne Self Defence Solutions Pty Ltd (Krav Maga Melbourne) are only allowed to do so on the distinct understanding that they do so entirely at their own risk.


Please Read the following conditions carefully:

A) Interpretation
“The Applicant” means the individual who signs this Contract and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions and includes a Parent or Guardian of that individual if the individual is under 18 years of age.

B) Acceptance

The Applicant hereby agrees to be bound by the terms of this Contract with Melbourne Self-Defence Solutions Pty Ltd (Krav Maga Melbourne) and its members, herein after jointly and severally referred to as the Providers. The Providers agree to permit me to use their premises and facilities for martial arts / self-defence instruction, to instruct me in martial arts / self-defence instruction and related activities (“The Service”) upon and subject to the following terms and conditions.

C) Club Fees
The Applicant will pay on demand the prescribed or stated fees for the service. Such fees may be notified to the Applicant by letter or memorandum or by notice displayed in the Providers premises or as stated on the Providers website or premises occupied by the Provider or verbally.

Membership Suspension and Cancellation

Notice to suspend or cancel membership must be communicated via e-mail only to and confirmation e-mail must be received. 

2 Weeks notification in advance is required to suspend or cancel membership. Suspensions and Cancellations will not be granted retrospectively.

All payments are still made in full if date falls after first of the month. To ensure no unnecessary payments are made, be sure to cancel before the first of the month.

Members may suspend their account (direct debit/charges) for a minimum of 14 days and a maximum of 3 months. You may not suspend more than 3 months per calendar year. Suspensions will be automatically reactivated after suspension date.

Any remaining classes, passes or credits are forfeit and not transferable or redeemable for cash.

D) Medical Conditions
The Applicant warrants that he or she has not at any time suffered any blackout, seizure, convulsion, fainting or dizzy spells and is not presently receiving treatment for any illness, disorder or injury which would render it unsafe for the Applicant to take part in martial arts / self-defence.

E) Exclusion of Applicant
The Applicant warrants that he or she has not at any time been excluded from martial arts or sports by a medical practitioner or any person entity including a martial arts / self-defence club.

F) Rights of a Consumer
If the Trade Practices Act 1974 or similar State Laws apply to this agreement then certain terms and rights may be applied to this Contract which operate for the benefit of the supplier flowing from them, cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by any provision of the Contract.


If the Trade Practices Act 1974 or similar State Laws operate so as to prevent the exclusion, restriction or modification or warranties otherwise implied by those Laws then the liability of the offerer for breach of those warranties is limited to:

• The re-supply of the martial arts / self-defence instruction and related activities, or;
• The payment of the cost of having the martial arts / self-defence and related activities supplied again

G) Waiver and Indemnity

In all other cases and except where inconsistent with the above, the Applicant for him/herself, his/her executors, administrators, dependants and other personal representatives, hereby absolves and indemnifies the Providers and all their servants, agents, employees and other students or persons under the Providers control (the “indemnified”) from all liability whatsoever arising for injury or damage (including but not limited to the Applicant’s person, whether fatal or otherwise, property or personal belongings) however caused including by the negligence of the Indemnified, arising out of or participating in martial arts / self-defence or in connection with martial arts / self-defence or in any way caused by, or arising out of, any activity carried on by the Indemnified.

H) Martial Arts / Self-Defence done at the Applicant’s own risk

Any person training in martial arts / self-defence or in activities connected with arts / self-defence or participating in any activity carried on by Melbourne Self-Defence Solutions Pty Ltd (KM Melbourne) are only allowed to do so on the distinct understanding that they do so entirely at their own risk.

I) Acceptance

Performance of the Providers obligations under the Contract may be affected by any one or more the Providers jointly or severally.

J) Governing Law

Any agreement entered into pursuant to this acceptance is to be governed by the Laws of the State of Victoria and the Courts of Australia shall exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any action in respect of any such agreement.

K) Pictures, audio, or visual recordings

The Applicant agrees that any pictures, audio, or visual recordings taken of him/her in connection with any activity carried on by Melbourne Self-Defence Solutions Pty Ltd (Krav Maga Melbourne) can be used for publication, promotion, articles, shows and advertisement without additional consent and without compensation at this time or any other time.



'The Applicant' means the individual who signs this contract and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions and includes a Parent or Guardian of that individual is under 18 years of age.

Waiver and Indemnity

The Applicant for him/herself, his/her executors, administrators, dependants and other personal representatives, hereby absolves and indemnified the Providers control (the 'indemnified') from all liability whatsoever arising for injury and damage (including but not limited to the Applicants person, whether fatal or otherwise, property or personal belongings) however caused including the negligence of the Indemnified, arising out of participating in martial arts / self-defence or in connection with martial arts / self defence or in anyway caused by, or arising out of, any activity carried out by the Indemnified. 

Martial Arts / Self Defence done at Applicants own risk.

Any person training in martial arts / self defence or in activities connected with martial arts / self defence or participating in any activity carried on by Melbourne Self Defence Solutions Pty Ltd (Krav Maga Melbourne) are only allowed to do so on the distinct understanding that they do so entirely at their own risk.

Pictures, audio, or visual recordings

The Applicant agrees that any pictures, audio, or visual recordings taken of his/her child or child in their care in connection with any activity carried on by Melbourne Self-Defence Solutions Pty Ltd (Krav Maga Melbourne) can be used for publication, promotion, articles, shows and advertisement without additional consent and without compensation at this time or any other time.

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